Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Future Position; Does it work or not?

My Future Position; Does it work or not?
Since 2006 Gimhae city support education field to hire native English teachers in the public schools that is why every school has native teachers in Gimhae. They hire native teachers and send them to the schools. Just before sending them the public schools the city hall and few teachers prepare an orientation for the new teachers to help them adapting their new schools. I am interested in the orientation and someday I would take part in the community to support it so I choose my job the"Director of Cultural Diversity & Inclusion" for this program.
The new teachers from inside Korea or overseas who are going to take this orientation need to understand Korea and school society and to know how to teach at the elementary schools. They are going to face different culture of Korea from their own, difficult to communicate with other teachers at their new schools, and to challenge how to collaborate with their co teachers.
I think the key of success this program is communication with KT and NT, if they communicate well they could handle all the problems properly. That is why this program should be taken by new native teachers and their new co teachers together. I think miscommunication causes all the problems and the miscommunication causes from lack of understanding each others and their cultures. The program has been focused on only native teachers to understand Korean culture and school system so only native teachers have to take this program however Korean teachers(KT) who become co teachers need to understand native teachers(NT) cultures, too. So I would like to make the program like below:
▶20% Understanding Korean Culture : For NT
Understanding Western Culture : For KT
▶30% Understanding School Culture and Working together: For NT
▶30% Consideration for Teaching English to Students: For NT, KT
▶20% Collaboration to Teach English: For NT, KT
Understanding Korean culture
#1 Introduction of korean traditional things (Including video clips of Korean culture)
#2 The way of Koreans thinking
- High context culture
- How Asians and Westerners Think Differently
〔Supplementary materials〕
Website Usage Compared

Understanding School Culture and Working together
#1 Daily School Routine
#2 The Relationship with Students, Teachers and Principals
#3 The Attitude of Korean Students in English Class
#4 Working on Common Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges at School
-What is Korean parent's expectation for school teachers?
-What is Korean teachers expectation for native teachers?
-What is Korean student's expectation for native teachers?
〔Supplementary materials〕
Successful Classroom Discussions with Adult Korean ESL/EFL Learners
Working on Common Cross-cultural Communication Challenges (2nd half)

Consideration for Teaching English to Students
#1 Giving instructions effectively
-speaking clear, slow and aloud. repetition, using non-verbal languages
#2 Making good environments to study
-stress free: create a friendly, safe, cooperative class
#3 Providing plenty of comprehensible input
-using activities, using visual aids and contextual support for new language including pictures, gestures, objects, and experiences out of class
#4 Useful materials and games for teaching English
Collaboration to teach English
#1 Introduction of English curriculum or text books
#2 Watching a model class
#3 How to Collaborate
- What is the role as a native teacher and a Korean co teacher?
- Why collaboration is important?
- How can we respect others cultures?
〔Digging Deeper〕
As the"Director of Cultural Diversity & Inclusion" for this program I'd like to fucus on "Understanding School Culture and Working together" part especially. Most of new native teachers do not have much idea of Korean schools and no experience of working together with foreigners like other Korean teachers. And both of them are not accustomed to this new situation and do not know how to handle it properly so tiny problem can cause big issue easily.
What are the challenges(These are from my point of view):
#1 Different approaches to getting to know each others; Koreans are rude or blunt?
Most of foreigners are not accustomed to asking private questions about themselves it is kind of rude however Koreans think differently. Koreans think that asking personal questions is kind of process to know each other because if we know each others background we can find common ground each other easily and it helps people to make good relationships. Most of elderly have that kind of sense strongly that is why lots of school teachers who are afraid to speak native teachers want to ask. This is kind of the way elderly express their favor toward foreigners of course including elderly teachers from schools. So when you are asked private questions, take them as a sign of favor or goodwill.
Even though asking private questions to you like above why most of Koreans are afraid to bump into you automatically, because they think they have to speak English properly to greet you however they do not want to be embarrassed in front of people speaking English. That is Korean way to think, you are a foreigner who are visiting Korea so as a host, korean should treat you well including speaking your mother tongue English. Most of Korean teachers are ready to welcome you as a member of school staffs however they do not know how to greet you because of language barrier and inexperience meeting foreigners in person so when you meet Korean teachers smile and say hello first it makes them feel more free to reach you.
#2 Difficulty to communicate with Korean teachers
Most of native teachers feel lonely at school at first because he(she) is the only foreigner in his(her) school and most of teachers can not speak English well.(even though some of them speak well however they do not speak out because if they speak well they feel it is kind of show off things or they are busy to handle their own business) And co teachers look so busy always and there are only Korean messengers popping up your computer screen all the time. Most of Korean teachers want to take care of you well however they do not know how to reach you(language barrier and culture differences) like yourself and they also have really busy schedules.
However if you ask the day's event or what's happening in your places they are going to try to answer including your co teachers, remember most of them are not accustomed to working together including your co teacher. While answering your questions they have a chance to think about you or the situation. I think during the process(giving them a chance to figure out how to handle new situation) they are going to think about you, and themselves to find the way of communication like you. I bet you will notice how to communicate with other teachers(most of them have knowledge of basic English words)
#3 Different working style①; Korea is a hierarchy society
Why Korean teachers break their plans easily or do not make plans in advance? There is a condition to inform native teachers 2(or3)months ago when the school make a plan for summer camp or winter camp however the schedule could be changed actually.(so earlier period of this program there were many arguments because of it) Sometimes teacher's meetings or other occasions announce without notice. Teacher's dinner gathering can be a mandatory even though after work hour. Why those things happen? Because Korea is a kind of hierarchy society so school is not an exception.
As a Korean I have complaint a lot however I have to accept most of them, most of time. I complained sometimes however there was no other way but accept it or refuse it and suffer from it. So if your co teacher inform you unexpected things suddenly, then ask your co teacher why? and if you have some situation tell it to your co teacher nicely and figure out the wisest way together. Because of hierarchy system if your co teacher is a young teacher or new teacher of the school there is not much room for her(him), usually power comes from school principals and occasionally from head teachers or elderly teachers.
#3 Different working style②; working hard is the only way to be rich in the past
Why Koreans work so hard? or demand to finish quickly? give directives without rooms? Korea is a small country and there is not much resources especially after Korean War we were one of the poorest countries in the world. We Koreans had to make something out of nothing so we had to tighten our belts, work extremely hard, educate next generations for the future for several decades. There was no time to wast, no room to hesitate that is why Koreans have developed palli palli(hurry hurry) culture. It contributed to Korean economy boosting so quickly that is why we Koreans are accustomed to finishing things in a short period and working so hard for a long time with terrible working conditions. Especially old generations they had to sacrifice their life for their family, society, country, so they think most people have to be accustomed those kind of life style. They want next generation to follow their model like be patient, work hard, respect the old so working hard is a virtue, and finishing one's work quickly, pushing someone to work hard are acceptable concept for Korean.
#4 Different attitude towards conflict
When I was young I tried to hard to solve conflicts directly so I met the people who faced conflicts with me and tried to talk the problems however I ended up worst situation most of time. After those experiences I try to figure out how to fix the problem by myself instead of talking to someone to solve the problem directly. If I find the way to solve it I try to fix it and then I have to wait for the right time. When I meet some problems which I can not solve by myself then there is no way but for waiting.
Most of Koreans have a tendency to avoid any kind of conflict. Some people try to solve the problem directly to talk to each others however speaking out the problem does not help to solve it mostly, because most of Korean believe that conflict causes from somebody's fault or represent somebody's incompetence so it considers kind of negative thing. So standing in the middle of the situation make them embarrassed or uncomfortable most of case, if you can avoid conflicts that is better way.
What are the suggestions for overcome the challenges
Working together is not easy even though workers have the same nationality. There are lots of things we have to consider: different characteristic, different education background, different concept of things, different way to think, different way to express, different way to accept things, even though there is different to accept the same thing how? depending on the mood or surrounding can make different I think so it is very complicate. That is why I suggest the followings:
#1 Do whatever your co teacher do
You can learn lots of things while you are doing what your co teacher does. You can feel what your co teacher feels and then you can understand your co teacher well and you are going to establish strong relationship with your co teacher. Besides there is no time to be bored. You can not do exactly what your co teacher does actually, I mean whatever she(he) does you follow her(him) together and help her(him) that is enough.
#2 Mutual respect is core
Korean respect teachers traditionally so we have this expression "One should not step on even his(her) shadow". It means students and parents respect their teachers and teachers should be a good model of student's life at the same time. That is why most of teachers care about their words, their behaviors, even though their outfit not luxurious but clean, neat. Korean society have changed rapidly so it is difficult to keep our beautiful and fine customs however this concept is based on Koreans mind for a long time. Teaching in public school means not only delivering knowledge but also raising human beings. You should respect your co teachers and your students then your co teachers and your students respect you, too.
#3 Share your idea and your culture
If you share your idea and your culture with your co teacher then she(he) understands you well, and your co teacher can use the information to teach students it can be authentic and valuable material for your co teacher and your students to understand western people and culture well. And it gives you and your co teacher more room to think about each others circumstance. If you share your culture to your students you are going to be an ambassador to represent your country. It makes your class fun and works a good motivation for your students to study English.
#4 Take your time to think, to read and to prepare your class
If you sit on your chair without work, it maybe remind you a word "deskwarm". It makes you lots of time to think unnecessary things, you are going to feel frustrated and lonely. If you organize your work and schedule always, you are going to prepare your class ahead and it gives you a chance to talk to your co teachers to make plans for classes. You can make your co teacher trust you as a professional teacher and feel comfortable. You do not need to hurry or your co teacher should not push you to do some extra work. If you have books to read or something to do, you are never bored.
#5 Open your mind to others
You have to live in foreign city, teach English to the students maybe for the first time. It gives you lots of stress so you feel frustrated or lonely however if you live in your home land you feel the same emotions sometimes because we are all human beings.
I think you are not the only one who feel frustrated at your school, your co teacher could be the one and your students also could be the one. Your co teacher have to handle her(his) job maybe for the first time in her(his) life. She(he) might have no idea about teaching English or working together and there is a big gap between a homeroom teacher(which all elementary school teacher are familiar with that position) and a subject teacher. I prefer English teacher when I have to focus on studying English but I do not like the job all the time because there is not much room to handle the time table or other things as a subject teacher. Students have different attitude toward subject teachers most of time because they feel more free to subject teachers than their homeroom teachers, it makes me frustrated sometimes.
If you surround with Korean and they talk to each others you feel uncomfortable, don't you? Maybe some of your students have exactly same feeling in your class especially lower level students. You can imagine how they feel all the classes. As a foreigner learning Korean is not easy and some of your students have some difficulty to learn English. As an English teacher taking care of them is one of your main job so you have to find a way to encourage them to stimulate them to be interested in English.
We run into lots of people in our life, some of them are nice and pleasant however some of them are not so good. Some of them are good however they do not mingle with me well, some of them are not so good however when I meet them different places and different environment, I could look different side of them then I can meet totally different people. You could agree with me so do not jump into quick conclusion. Always try to look bright side then you can see totally different aspects of things, people.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

My mother who is a typical example of Korean dauntless mothers

My mother is one example of typical Korean mothers
Last class we talked about "our culture" what outside of people like and what they do not like things. We agreed that Korea is one of the safe country (even though it is divided north and south and south Korea is threaten by north, it is ironical), the delivery system is excellent and convenient stores are really cool. Hangul is one of the most creative letters in the world and some Koreans are creative and kind of smart. The other hand Korea’s “빨리빨리”(quickly-quickly) culture should be changed and Koreans have to be patient, Korean education system has lots of problems.
In the middle of discussion we had to describe Korea so I described Korea as Dynamic because Koreans are industrious, change things fast, and boost our economy quickly so it called “ The miracle of Han River” While I was thinking of it, it reminded me of my mother who is a typical example of Korean dauntless mother. She was born in Korea in late 1940’s; it meant she could not have a chance to study properly as a girl. It also meant she went through the period of rip-poor in Korea. Because of those reason, when she became a mother she had to scarify her life for her children like other tons of Korean mothers. She saved a penny for our education, haggled with a good price of bean sprout, and pushed us being industrious, doing our best all the time and so on.
When I was a child, I was embarrassed of my mother because she was too eager to live on and it seemed like she did not care about others except for her needs to take good care of us.
I hate her food, her attitude, her manners I could not understand her properly because I was too young to figure out our situation including Korean’s economy. Whenever I look back on my childhood I am very sorry to my mother and I really appreciate what she did for us. If she did not choose that kind of life style we could barely eat and did not finish our education properly. She had sacrificed her entire life for her children and her husband; there was no life for her own. I think my mother is one example of Korean typical mothers who had to scarify their entire life for their children, however did not deserve it properly by their children.
Most of Korean adults who lived in those days had to be patient and had to postpone their own happiness for the future that was why Korean could work terrible conditions and wages. We do not have any natural resources except for human resources so we had to focus on next generation’s education. That was the only way to get over the property and it was common sense of Korean. Thanks to their scarify we boosted our economy so quickly. However due to that kind of concept we have to face lots of problems, too. (Ex. 빨리빨리 culture, bureaucracy, withdraw of democracy etc.) I think we needed those kinds of system or culture to develop of our country in those days(I am not sure about it though) however now we face to upgrade our culture differently from old days.
As the same reason once I was not proud of being Korean. Some times we think only from our point of view so it could make people uncomfortable. (ex. pushing people do something quickly even though it is not relevant for them or for their sake, do not respect others thinking or idea not ignoring others but helping others and so on) Now I realize my narrow point of view… I hope to be continued(I am going to go away...)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

No one cares about your mistakes except for you

No one cares about your mistakes except for you. When I went to America I heard that from some Americans and it made me dancing. Actually I was the one who cared about my mistakes every minutes. Whenever I wrote something down in English I asked my co-teachers to correct them always.I wanted to know what was wrong and how correct them. When I started to wirte my reflection for this course I hesitated to publish because I did not have anyone who could correct my writings(my computer does not have microsoft word, too bad) However I can publish my writings without correction, one year ago it could not happen.
The simple sentence "no one cares about your mistakes" encouraged me not to care about my mistakes. As a foreigner making mistakes is evitable and the people who I met wanted to communicate with me. They did not care about my mistakes or my pauses, they only bothered me. when I understood this simple concept, I was happy.
It is easy concept however when I heard that it was kind of shock. I was anxious about my mistakes unconsciously, so when I read "Successful Classroom Discussions with Adult Korean ESL/EFL Learners", it is totally understandable. When we have tests we have correct answers always even though when we have oral tests we always have correct answers . After becoming a teacher I had to figure out what the answers were sometimes. Thinking variously is not necessary to get a high score. That can be one of the reason why we are afraid of making mistakes I guess.

Uneasy feeling

 Last Saturday I had a meeting with the Philippines consulate. They needed 2 evacuation places in Gimhae(because of international airport and the distance from Seoul) for their people just in case. one of the evacuate centers will be our catholic church which is the center of Gimhae migrant workers.(They said they already informed our church as a evacuate center in the Philippines and some press from the Philippines already came in Korea and the others on their way to korea. so there is a chance to rush the press coming to our church to take some photos of our church as an evacuate center. They told us that they were forced to take an action for this situation from their home country and some new comers in korea. Because of that we had the meeting and talked about how to guide their people from their living city to Gimhae things. They said they were not worried about the situation like koreans, however they had to make plans for evacuation such as setting up places, transportations, food, organizing volunteers things.
After the meeting I had an uneasy feeling about the tension between north and south. When I was interested in the issue, I could gather some information which I did not care about before. That is why I read this article "Anxiety in South as N Korea rhetoric escalates" cutting the military hot-line, warning to foreigners to take evacuation, closing the Kaesong Industrial complex. UN chief Ban said Korea crisis could become 'uncontrollable',  South and N korean leaders speak up their voices to get a good position.
Solving this issue peacefully, the leaders have to communicate. Communication is essential, consequential. I think two korean leaders have to know what Grice's Maxims is. The more I know about communication things the more I feel ^^

Friday, April 5, 2013

What I read from week#4 materials.

   - Managing cross-cultural communication challenges toward a more perfect union in an age of diversity - 

I read this article last week however it was a little difficult to understand. I did not get it properly at first so I read it again today. After reading I understand like blow:
(I am not sure I understand properly though)
#1 culture is a complex concept and we can acquire a new culture by moving to a new region, by a change in our economic status, or by becoming being disabled.(^^;) When we think of culture this broadly, we realize we all belong to many cultures at once.
▶At the first week of this course we learned that. We have some subcultures and they give us certain perspective of our view. we can meet cultural differences not only from different countries but also from different groups of same country, gender, age, work and so on.
#2 six fundamental patterns of cultural differences
① Different communication styles
The way people communicate varies widely between, and even within, cultures. One aspects of communication style is language usage. Another aspects of communication style can be non-verbal communication such as facial expressions, gestures, seating arrangements, personal distance, sense of time, different norms.
▶Be careful when you laugh, point out something or somebody, touch things or people. We learned the exactly same gesture can be a compliment or an insult. (I read Jamin's post about laughing in a intercultural class. Most of korean feel the same way what he felt I think)
② Different attitudes toward conflict
Some culture view conflict as a positive thing, while in many Eastern countries it experienced as embarrassing or demeaning.
⑤ Different attitudes toward disclosure
Different cultures feel different about disclosure. Questions that may seem natural to me, may seem intrusive to others. -What was the conflict about? What was your role in the conflict? What was the sequence of events?
▶I have a positive idea about conflict so I am willing to solve conflicts. In my early days I met some conflicts at my school so I did my best to solve them however I had unintended results. What I did not notice was people consider conflict differently so disclosure the conflict or certain emotion may seem intrusive to them that is why they try to avoid. one tries to face conflict another tries to avoid it. What will happen? It might be fighting or not friendly mood.
③ Different approaches to completing tasks
From culture to culture, there are different ways that people move toward completing tasks. some reasons different access to resources, different judgement of the rewards associated with task completion, different notions of time, and varied ideas about how relationship-building and task-oriented work should go together. people from different culture have different work style.
④ Different decision-making style
In the U.S., decisions are frequently delegated so when decisions are made by groups of people, majority rules is a common approach. In many Southern European and Latin American countries, there is a strong value placed on holding decision-making responsibilities oneself. In Japan consensus is the preferred mode.
▶What kind of decision-making style do your people prefer? What is your style? Why?
I think majority rules can be a good way to collect lots of opinion even though it goes wrong sometimes. I have to accept the result humbly even though I am not satisfied or I stand the opposite side.
⑥ Different approaches to knowing
European cultures tend to consider information acquired through cognitive means, such as counting and measuring. African cultures' preference for affective ways of knowing including symbolic imagery and rhythm. Asian cultures' tend to emphasis the validity of knowledge gained through striving toward transcendence.
▶Actually I do not get the meaning of Asian's, our ancestor studied Confucianism, Taoism, Mencius etc to find better ways of life. I guess Asian cultures pursue this kind of approach.
# Culture bump theory
I have to go to Busan to take an language class...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Different attitude toward recent Korean crisis between my friend and I

How do you feel about south and north koreans situation?
Last Sunday I met a Filipino couple(I think the couple is my friends) who is working a korean company. They were worried about recent Korean crisis and asked me about the situation. Is there a chance to occur korean war? What do I consider for the situation in case? Is south korean military power stronger than north korean's? So I asked back to them how they felt about the situation. Because I did not have any idea about it.
They said that they watched CNN news which broadcasted breaking news about korean peninsula and called the philippines embassy in seoul to ask how they had to do. They considered whether going back to the philippines or not, that way why they needed my advise as a korean friend who was supposed to have some information about recent situation. They were told from their embassy keeping in touch with the embassy to prepare in case.
I told them we korean were not worried about it because we have lived in divided country which have a risk of war all the time for several decades and we have watched similar situation happened repeatedly in addition we had no places to escape in case. And most of media argued about new polices of new government and other issues.
I was surprised(I guessed they were surprised too-how numb I am in this situation probably) because the crisis is apparent so all over the world except for korea people are worried about korea I guess.
What do you think about the different attitude toward this situation between my friend and I? I wanted to research news from all over the world about the crisis however I don't have much time.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Reconsidering my narrow point of view

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWii8IQNVV4   trailer ( I could not find the whole documetary)
I am lucky to find this documentary "bully" directed by Lee Hirsch when I was switching tv channels to search a find program. It was terrifying and made my heart pounding. After watching it I thought of two things, one is my opinion about American education system and another is the reality of students who are suffering from school violence.
Last summer I had an opportunity to go to America to take a course which was provided by Kyeong Nam education office. Actually America was the last country that I wanted to visit because I had a stereotype of America in my mind. America is one of the strongest country in the world so I thought that most of Americans would be arrogant, careless of the others, and maybe a little bit selfish. However when I got the document about taking that English program it did not matter at all so I applied it and accepted it.
I met some people in America who were really nice and friendly so I had to change my mind. I observed two elementary schools so I changed my point of view about American education system, too. I watched well organized students and very strict rules of schools which every students has to follow. It was amazing about how the students obeyed the rules and the teachers which it is difficult to see in Korean schools nowadays. What I observed was totally different what I expected to watch so I had to change my idea.
However after taking this class and watching this documentary I realized that my observation was a tiny part of the whole system(I knew the fact however I denied to accept that it was only a part of the school system though) so I have to be careful about judging or making conclusions about something that I do not know exactly.
While I was watching it I found some teachers attitudes toward the victims were not friendly but a little bit strict I guessed that the teachers thought the victims caused the problems repeatedly. I felt some of the teacher thought the victims had some problems so the bullies had the reason to bully. That was why I have looked back my school life as a teacher. I am not sure about my attitude toward the victims of school violence even though I think I am always standing on their side.
▶ Have I ever blamed for the victims for their faults which they could not do anything about them?
▶ What can I do for the victims of school violence as a teacher?
▶ Bullying is invincible?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V67AXzcu83I Sydney School Bully Victim Fights Back
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_rZn8YKEzU Justin Bieber meets the boy(upper victim)
http://news.donga.com/Main/3/all/20130402/54149664/1 bully in the work place caused a death